Monday, June 18, 2012 Archives | Advertise | Online Buyer's Guide | FLEETSolutions

All Parties Agree On Need For National Auto Policy, Says Canadian Auto Workers' Union

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Canadian Auto Workers' Union (CAW) national and local leaders met with all three major political parties on June 5 in Ottawa to press for a national auto sector strategy.

During the series of meetings, all three parties agreed that the auto sector is important to the Canadian economy and a national auto policy is needed.

"We need a clear policy framework moving forward to nail down the next generation of investment to keep producing and keep Canadians working," said CAW President Ken Lewenza after the meetings.

The CAW met with Official Opposition and NDP Leader Tom Mulcair; NDP Finance Critic Peggy Nash; NDP Trade Critic Don Davies; Liberal Party Leader Bob Rae; Liberal Industry Critic Frank Valeri; and the Conservative Auto Caucus MPs, chaired by MP Ben Lobb.

The union delegation included CAW National President Ken Lewenza; CAW Economist Jim Stanford; Membership Mobilization and Political Action Director Jenny Ahn; and the three chairs of the CAW master bargaining committees: CAW Local 222 President Chris Buckley (General Motors); CAW Local 707 President Gary Beck (Ford); and CAW Local 444 President Dino Chiodo (Chrysler).

The lobby sessions were building on the CAW's Re-think the Economy, Re-think Canada's Auto Industry campaign, which kicked off on April 16. The campaign policy proposals include developing a transparent and consistent auto investment policy, building a green industry, and negotiating Canadian manufacturing footprint commitments, in addition to a number of other measures.

See the entire list of proposals at:

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