Monday, September 17, 2012 Archives | Advertise | Online Buyer's Guide | FLEETSolutions

Webinar: How To Find And Remarket Your Surplus Vehicles Without The Pain Coming September 25. Register today!

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NAFA continues its 2012 Webinar Series on Tuesday, September 25 (1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EST) with a presentation from Bishop Fleet Optimization on the topic How To Find And Remarket Your Surplus Vehicles Without The Pain. The speakers for the webinar will be NAFA Full Affiliate Derrick Bishop, Managing Director, Bishop Fleet Optimization and NAFA Regional Affiliate Grace Appleton, VP Business Development  Bishop Fleet Optimization. NAFA webinars are available for free for NAFA Members.

New technology has now entered the industry that make outdated mileage standards and cumbersome logbook audits obsolete. Fleet Managers can now affordably identify vehicle under-use particularly in car vehicle fleets and reduce vehicle counts with no loss of service quality. This webinar, How to Find and Remarket Your Surplus Vehicles Without the Pain, highlights temporary GPS based Fleet Utilization Audits, the Change Management traps, how to select the best vehicles to remarket, and best venues and services providers to help you maximize your returns.

About the Instructors: Derrick Bishop is the Managing Director and Founder of Bishop Fleet Optimization (BFO), a multi-national company and trusted world leader in Vehicle Fleet Utilization Audits. BFO has offices in Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S.

Bishop graduated University with Honors and a triple major in Stock Market Finance, Operations Management, and Marketing. He also has expertise in Executive Management Consulting, IT, Banking, Police, Health Management, Procurement, and Electronics Circuit Design. Bishop is internationally published on Stock Market investment.

In 1996, Bishop was asked to project manage a logbook-based vehicle utilization audit and soon discovered there were problems. Vehicle logbook data was clearly being altered or omitted by client staff to invalidate the findings. Mileage analysis was no use either as it ignored the key decision factors required to size a fleet. "There had to be a better way". Global positioning system [GPS] technology was the answer but no off-the-shelf system was available and the GPS pricing models were not appropriate for fleet right-size projects.

In response, Bishop designed the purpose-built M-VOS GPS hardware and supporting QueryBuilder analysis technology. The technology finally bridges the gap between telematics and vehicle fleet right-size audits. Governments now rely on this technology to save tens of millions in fleet costs with no loss of service delivery capability.

Grace Appleton, Vice President of Business Development for Bishop Fleet Optimization, has over twenty years in the automotive industry. She has worked on various sides of the business, including new and used car sales, software and data sales, and Finance and Insurance (F&I) management through her employment with Ontario Chrysler, Canada's largest Chrysler dealer and the Canadian Black Book (CBB).

Her start in the automotive industry included various roles at dealerships including new and used car sales, and Finance and Insurance (F&I) management. She spent almost ten years working in leasing doing some retail leasing but spending most of her time working with local and national fleets.

She "rejoined" NAFA in 2011 and was originally a member of the Toronto NAFA Chapter from 1990 to 1999 when she relocated to Indianapolis, IN to become the first Director of eBusiness Strategy for ADESA Corp. in North America.

To attend this webinar, please register online by clicking this link. Registration deadline is Monday, September 24.

Did you know that as a NAFA Member or Affiliate you have exclusive access to the NAFA Webinar Archives, a collection of past recorded webinars which you can easily access at any time within the comfort of your own office or home?

A list of all webinars in the archives can be found in FleetED, NAFA's premier online source, or at For free webinars, Members and Affiliates will need their Member ID number. If you have previously attended the webinar (paid or free), the recorded link with automatically appear on your computer screen if you are logged in. If you have not previously attended, please make sure to fill out the pre-populated request form and NAFA will send you the link ASAP. Webinar links are available for one year.

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