Monday, October 15, 2012 Archives | Advertise | Online Buyer's Guide | FLEETSolutions

Light-Duty Pickup Report Features Benchmarking Data – Accessible Through NAFA Website

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NAFA is pleased to present a complimentary report on light-duty pickup truck operational costs, courtesy of Utilimarc® consulting group. This is a value-added membership benefit, provided only to NAFA Members, as a result of an agreement between NAFA and Utilimarc®.

NAFA realizes the importance of benchmarking data, especially data that is often complex in its very nature. As your fleet management association, NAFA put Utilimarc’s® products through a comprehensive review process and is confident that Utilimarc® methodologies meet all the criteria and guidelines set by NAFA to provide good benchmarking data and help achieve fleet operational excellence.

The data in this report has been collected, aggregated, and published by Utilimarc® and it is provided to you with the permission of Utilimarc®.

To view the report, log into your NAFA membership account and then click here (Depending on your computer's speed, file may take a few moments to download).

We hope you find this information useful. In upcoming months look for other such reports to be provided by Utilimarc®.

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this report, please email using the subject line "Benchmarking Service – Comment/Suggestion."

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