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NAFA’s 2013 I&E: In Your Own Words

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For this month’s column, I am turning over the reins to you, the Members and Affiliates who attended NAFA’s 2013 I&E last month in Atlantic City. In a short "survey" of sorts, I asked everyone in attendance to share with me their one biggest "take home" idea they got from I&E 2013. The thought behind this was to point out, or rather, have you point out, the extremely valuable ideas you get at NAFA’s I&E and to illustrate the value in attending our event. 

I encourage you to read every entry on this list, which is pared down from the dozens I received just minutes after I asked. Try to put a dollar value on each of these ideas...I bet each one is worth tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars in real money. That’s pretty convincing evidence to use next time you need to justify your attendance at a NAFA meeting.

Here’s a sampling of what you had to say was your big "take home" from I&E 2013:

"I thought I was pretty tuned in to the distracted driving issue. But the I&E raised my awareness of the consequences of distracted driving on employees' health and safety and the company's legal & financial liability for accidents caused by distracted driving."

"I felt like I was drinking from a fire hydrant. Although there were many great ideas that can (and hopefully will at some point) make a huge impact on our fleet, my greatest takeaway was the idea to have Fleet Committees internally within our organization."

"I’m having a hard time nailing it down to just one thing. I truly enjoyed (race car driver/MotorVation CEO) Derek Daly. What he shared, I will use it both at work and personally."

"The I&E inspired and motivated me to come back and look at managing our fleet with a new perspective. The setting of priorities is challenging in fleet as there will always be something that a fleet manager knows can be done better!"

"What changed me this year was the discussion about what really gets noticed at the upper management level. The next few months I am evaluating again my set of priorities and how important it is to the upper management of our company."

"I realized the importance of a safety policy, proper enforcement of that policy through recognition for safe driving, and follow through of excessive violators. Thanks!"

"The information I received was very valuable in helping direct me as to what needs to be done and how to get started with my new policies."

"I came back with a renewed commitment to have business processes written up."

"I found a vendor that can provide me with continuous monitoring of the change in status of MVR's. This would be extremely helpful."

"I liked the many companies at the Expo. It gave us a chance to see many products and services that are targeted to fleet operations."

"The importance of keeping metrics to judge how your fleet is performing."

"When the moderator asked the group 'How many of you still talk or text on your phones while driving?' more than 90 percent of the attendees raised their hand. If 'we' who are charged with administering the programs, coaching, and/or training drivers don't get it right, can we realistically expect others to get it right?"

"The sustainability track offered by CalSTART [was] very informative. According to CalSTART, driver behavior can account for as much as 38 percent of fuel consumption. This is an action that can be taken without a major investment in technology that won't take years in payback. "

"I'm in the pharmaceutical industry and the session we had was outstanding."

"At the trade show I was finally able to put a face to vendors that I speak with on a regular basis. Being able to actually meet these people goes a long way to long-term partnerships."

"My take away is that there are many nice people in our field, and we all share common difficulties and trying innovative methods to work through our problems. We all have a thirst for knowledge and love what we do."

"Fleet managers or safety managers must take action regarding drivers that need to be trained or counseled regarding unsafe driving behaviors. Not to take the action that a 'reasonable person' should or would take opens the company to an undue amount of risk."

"I made invaluable contacts during the entire I&E."

"During the fabulous 'tire session,' I learned that tires should be repaired with patch AND plug in addition to lots of other wonderful information. Tires are a big issue for us since we work on a lot of right of ways (off road)."

"Take the time to analyze fuel reports to see what vehicles are idle. This can help lead to potential reduction of unnecessary units and reduce your fleet spend."

"The best take away that I learned at the I&E was on pricing...the fact that we can negotiate the holdback, advertising, and financing out of a vehicle."

"I’m in the CAFM program and this was my first time going through the boot camps. On Monday [after I&E] when I visited a maintenance shop, I noticed that they were not properly storing their old tires."

"Derek Daly – funny and provided real motivation message; greatly appreciated the points regarding team preparedness and what makes great teams."

"Janet Froetscher (President, National Safety Council) gave a solid and convincing message about risks of cell use while driving."

"Increase fuel efficiency by taking the weight out of the vehicle...unload the car promptly and only transport those things I need."

"One of the most 'eye opening' statements was in the Cost Savings that Dazzle educational session. It stated that it is currently a good time for Fleet and Fleet Management! Paraphrasing the presenter: basically we have great conditions right now: good resale market, safe cars, cost-per-mile is similar or lower historically, cars last longer, low interest rates, OEMs are competitive, and even though fuel prices are up - vehicle fuel efficiencies are getting better and better."

"One of most interesting 'take-aways' was a method to hold drivers liable for their greenhouse gas emissions by having them write a check to a green charity for their actual emissions."

"I attended the Australian Model Fleet Risk Management workshop and I was totally impressed with being able to identify common risks in our own fleet. I have already started working with our risk management team and we have made plans to complete a risk assessment."

"I enjoyed the trade show...I found a couple vendors that may help us in the situation of obtaining a service that can help with Hours of Service. Overall great time and I enjoy the networking part and getting to know others!"

"The toll industry (the International Bridge Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA)) would be well served to develop closer ties with NAFA."

"While much of my time at I&E was spent in the CAFM boot camps, which were very helpful, I most especially appreciated the presentation by Janet Froetscher, keynote speaker at Friday morning's closing breakfast. While we're all aware of some of the dangers that the use of cell phones while driving present, Janet was really able to use facts and actual case studies to focus in on just how dangerous these practices are, and the legal ramifications and liability issues associated with the use of cell phones when involved in an auto collision."

"I have made changes within my own family, that no one in my family is to use a cell phone for any purpose while driving."

"That Ford, GM, and Nissan full size vans are available as 4x4 from Quigley Motor Co, Inc. and retain their full manufacturers warranty."

"In fleet you need to be innovative these days. That requires stepping out of the box, which will turn into failure from time to time [but] through that failure will come solutions and success!"

"I came away inspired to personally put away my phone while driving after Janet Froetscher's presentation on Friday morning. I will also commit to adding safety to the agenda of regular fleet reviews with my customers."

"Offer driver's Eco Driving training."

"After hearing Janet Froetscher from the National Safety Council speak about the use of electronic equipment while driving, I returned to my work and started to look at our policy on cell phone and electronic equipment usage. There will be changes in my household too!  What a valuable address and an emotional presentation! Thank you, Janet, and thank you, NAFA!"

"We learned that technology, data consumption, and distracted driving habits have changed drastically in the last few years. Cell phones, texting, and other distractions have increased and now need to be managed. Things are changing. NAFA is up to date on presentations to address all these important issues dealing with fleets today."

"The big take away is the CNG vehicles and the CNG in a box. Our company is seriously looking at a CNG trial for our work vans."

"I really enjoyed talking with colleagues about the CAFM program. When sitting for the exam, it was recommended that I sit for ALL parts at once. Even if I don't pass them all, at least I will have an idea on what to expect on the retest."

"It was ALL about managed fuel contracts! That was Number 1 for me by far! I also had GREAT conversations with Nissan and Ford on future paratransit vehicle platforms!"

"I learned (from Stuart Ellis Myers' keynote) just how much fun it is to throw a glass of water in someone's face! Relieves a lot of stress!"

Thanks to everyone for making I&E 2013 a rousing success! Attendance was up nearly 20 percent from last year!

If you would like to share your thoughts on I&E 2013, please email me or visit our easy, one-question survey at

Thank you!



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