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New England Chapter Fetes Greg Asadoorian On His Retirement

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On December 11, following the New England Chapter's annual Roundtable Meeting, a Retirement Roast was held for Greg Asadoorian, Global Fleet Manager, Invensys, Foxboro, MA. Greg was bidding a fond farewell to 32 years in the fleet industry, with 30 of those being at Invensys.

Those who know of the old Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts know the "honors" can get pretty brutal, but owing to the respect his peers and friends have for him, Greg got off relatively easy and all had a lot of fun. Ron Mason, retired City of Boston Fleet Manager was the Master of Ceremonies leading the list of his colleagues in a string of comedic one-liners about Greg’s illustrious career in fleet and with the NAFA organization both locally and on the national level.

Speakers included Ed Kerrigan, retired Fleet Manager from the insurance industry; Cathy Morrissey from Ford Motor Company; Elliott Eichenholz from General Motors; Mary Ann Moeri from PHH; Capt. Tom Mahar, retired Fleet Manager for the Massachusetts State Police; Deb Watkins, retired from PHH; Tom Flahive, retired Factory Mutual Fleet Manager; and many more.   

Folks unable to attend sent in video clips with special sentiments for Greg. NAFA Executive Director Phil Russo, CAE’s comments were deeply appreciated not only by Greg but also by all guests. Senior Leaders from PHH sent video clips of congratulations and light-hearted kidding about the enormous void left in the fleet industry following Greg’s departure to his retirement plans. 

A special highlight of the evening was the presentation of a proclamation from Greg’s hometown of Raynham, MA naming December 11, 2013 "Greg Asadoorian Day" in Raynham. The evening ended with a resounding standing ovation for Greg and comments of appreciation from him. 

NAFA wishes Greg Asadoorian a fantastic retirement! For a video of the evening’s highlights, please visit the NAFA New England Web-site:   

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