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NAFA CEO Phil Russo, CAE: It’s A Wonderful Life

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My all-time favorite movie is the holiday classic, It’s a Wonderful Life. I’ve watched the film at least twice every year since 1984, when a college professor introduced it to me, so now I know practically every line in the film. 

For those of you not familiar with the story, It’s A Wonderful Life stars Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, a young man who wants to see and change the world by building skyscrapers and bridges and really making a name for himself. George quickly gives up those dreams when his father passes away and he is chosen – against his will -- to continue the family business in the little town of Bedford Falls. He leads the company for several years and it is successful, but still aches for a more exciting life outside of the small town.

Then, with the family business on the brink of bankruptcy through no fault of his own, George considers that everyone would be better off if he were not alive. The intervention of his guardian angel shows George all the lives he has touched and how different life in his community would be had he never been born. In the end, he realizes all the riches he truly has and that he is, as his brother declares, "the richest man in the world."

George’s antagonist in the film is the wealthy, but miserable, Mr. Potter, who owns practically everything in town and wants to own more, including George’s Building & Loan business.  Potter stops at nothing to get what he wants, including attempting to shut down the Bailey business.

When that fails, Potter tries to lure George to work for him. After initially being flattered by Potter’s offer, which would enable him to finally realize his dreams of getting out of Bedford Falls, George responds indignantly, yelling, "I don't need 24 hours. I don't have to talk to anybody. I know right now, and the answer’s no. No! Doggone it! You sit around here and you spin your little webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your money! Well, it doesn’t, Mr. Potter! In the, in the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy little spider!"

George’s reaction to Mr. Potter was swift, decisive, righteously angry, and, most of all, true to himself and the people of his community. He knew he had to stand strong against Mr. Potter so the community of Bedford Falls would not fall completely under his control.  George knew he had to keep his business alive so the residents would still have a voice and a place to go as an alternative to Potter’s businesses.  That’s one of the reasons I love this film so much: one person, with full conviction of what was right and good, stood up for thousands and said no to a powerful entity and preserved their community. 

Another reason I love it so much is because I see many parallels between George Bailey in Bedford Falls and NAFA in the fleet industry.

I see NAFA as your Bedford Falls, your place to feel safe, to have a voice, and to be among the people who know and care about you. I see NAFA as the place where everybody knows your name, where everyone wants to know how you’re doing, and where the entire community will rally around to help. That’s even reflected in our brand promise to you, which states:
"NAFA Fleet Management Association knows, understands and supports you as a member of the community of professional fleet managers. You know us as a trusted partner providing industry-wide, cutting-edge leadership in representing and advancing the fleet management profession and the careers of practitioners like you. You can rely with confidence on NAFA Fleet Management Association as your primary source for the technical knowledge, training, and representation you need to support your organization and succeed in your career."
Just as important, I see NAFA as George Bailey, protecting you from the Mr. Potters of the world and offering you an alternative to their desired outcomes. I see NAFA with full conviction of what is right and good for fleet managers, standing up for thousands and preserving this community. In doing so, we offer you a fleet community where you can share, learn, and help each other in a trusted and safe setting where you know our motivations are aligned with yours.

Finally, very much like George Bailey, sometimes I feel like I am the richest man in the world when I think about how fortunate I am to be leading this great association. You make this a great association and I am honored to serve you.

Thank you for making NAFA great!


Phillip E. Russo, CAE

P.S. For fans of It’s A Wonderful Life, I’m sure you’ll recall the scene in the movie where George wants to hurl the finial across the room because he is so frustrated at life and how everything around him is falling apart. Then, later in the film, he kisses the finial when it comes off the bannister because it reminds him that he truly is alive and gifted in so many ways. My amazing wife gave me a finial (shown here) in 2004 to help me remember that it truly is a wonderful life. It sits on my desk in plain sight and I ponder it every day. 

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