Monday, August 3, 2015 Archives | Printer-Friendly | Advertise | Online Buyer's Guide

Summer Time, And The Living Is Easy?

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Ah, vacation time. A few days away from the grand scheme of things can do one a world of good. I just got back from six days at the Jersey shore and can attest to the value of getting away and completely (okay, almost completely) disconnecting from the "real world" for a short while.

Coming back to work on July 28 was a real eye-opener for me. The contrast was stark between my time at a very secluded beach -- where I hardly had a cell signal -- to the hustle and bustle, fast-paced environment of the NAFA office. I admit, I had a bit of a hard time getting up to pace with everyone in the first few hours, and by day’s end I felt as if I’d run a marathon.

You see, at NAFA, we run at a fast pace all year long, as I’m sure most of you do as well, but summer is especially hectic. This is the time when NAFA not only plans for its fall and winter programs, but we begin laying the foundation for next year’s programs as well.

For instance, the majority of what will become next year's Institute & Expo gets built right now. That involves site visits to the venues, developing marketing plans, formalizing the entire I&E agenda, and beginning logistics for the many meals, receptions, and parties. We also continue our expo sales push, which started back in April, and begin seeking sponsorships.

Summertime is also when we finalize work on the Annual NAFA Membership Directory, one of the tremendous resources you receive as a NAFA Member or Affiliate to facilitate networking. This edition will hit mailboxes in late-September and will certainly help you connect with your NAFA peers!

In September, you're going to find out about major changes to NAFA’s Certified Automotive Fleet Manager (CAFM®) program. We’ve been working on these changes for the last year and are finalizing them in the next few weeks.  I don’t want to say more just yet, but suffice it to say the program will be more accessible and more applicable to a wider audience than ever before! Keep an eye out for more information very soon in conjunction with the thirtieth anniversary of the CAFM® program this September.
During these hot, humid summer days, NAFA has also remained committed to being the voice for fleet managers. It may be vacation time in Washington, DC, but that doesn’t mean things aren’t happening. We’ve been working diligently on the Renewable Fuels Standards, Phase 2 fuel economy standards, tax incentives, emergency power restoration, and highway fund reauthorization, to name just a few of our high priority issues.  

Over the summer we have also seen the momentum of NAFA’s Sustainable Fleet Accreditation Program continue from its launch in April. With two dozen fleets enrolled and sixteen accredited in just three months, we are well on our way to establishing the standard as the tool for all fleets to use to measure their sustainable accomplishments. You should enroll your fleet today! Find the enrollment form here:

Summer is also when my staff and I put together budget proposals for the NAFA Trustees to consider in September and October. We review NAFA’s strategic plan, determine what new programs or resources might be necessary, and recommend new initiatives. This is always a fun time, as it is an opportunity to create new programs and bring new value to you as NAFA Members and Affiliates. It is also a stressful time as we take long, hard looks at every program and every budget line item to determine if they should continue, be tweaked, or can be done in a new, better way. There is no stone left unturned, and that takes a lot of time and team effort, for which I am grateful to my tireless staff.

I will soon be getting back to that budget project, but first I have to work through the hundreds of emails that await me (the price I pay for only checking emails twice last week). You should know, however, that my entire staff and I are hard at work delivering what you ask of this association. Please know, too, that my proverbial door is always open if there’s ever anything you want to ask or say to me. My job is to listen and respond, so please feel free to reach out to me.

I hope you are able to spend some quality time on vacation this summer!





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