NAFA Connection

NAFA Bylaws Amendments Approved. Now What?

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Back in March I wrote about the how the NAFA Board of Trustees wanted to make monumental changes to NAFA’s bylaws, the legal document that dictates NAFA’s critical membership and board structure and governance format. I encouraged you to make yourselves aware of the discussion, to ask questions, and to get engaged in the conversation.  

NAFA repeatedly and in various methods from March to mid-August communicated to all Members and Affiliates about the proposed bylaws changes. In addition to writing about the changes in my monthly columns, I created a short video explaining the essence of the changes and sent that video to everyone in the NAFA database. In April, NAFA began twice-a-week email notices to everyone and established a direct email address for you to submit all your questions.

We also conducted an hour-long webinar to explain the changes, then posted that recorded webinar on our website for anyone to watch at any time. At our annual conference in Austin, we conducted a live Q&A session with about 200 people in the room, then followed that up in May with an FAQ document sent to everyone. In early summer, I visited NAFA chapters to discuss the changes and personally answer any questions. The proposed changes were also discussed at length with NAFA’s Board of Governors, our Affiliates Committee, and the Corporate Fleet Advisory Task Force.  

Suffice it to say, we’ve talked about the bylaws changes a lot since March, but it was important to do. Your feedback and input was critical in helping assure the Board that the decision to modify the bylaws was the right move and that it would be endorsed by you.  

Frankly, we encountered very little opposition to changes. There were questions, for sure, but very little opposition. So when we finally conducted the vote a few weeks ago, we were not really surprised that the amendments were approved by a margin of nearly 15 to 1, with 93 percent of respondents voting in favor of the changes.

So now what?  Now that the bylaws have been amended, what’s next? Here’s a summary of the major changes and the next steps for NAFA:

First, fleet suppliers have gained equal footing with their fleet manager colleagues in NAFA, giving those suppliers the ability to vote and serve on the national board.  In May 2017, after we have completed all of the major database changes, NAFA supplier members will be known as "Associate Members" rather than "Affiliates" or "Regional Affiliates," but they immediately gain all the rights and privileges contained in the new bylaws regardless of the name assigned to their membership category.

Second, we have broadened the qualifications to be a member of NAFA, allowing any individual who manages a fleet, or whose job responsibilities include at least one of the core disciplines of fleet management (as defined by NAFA), regardless of the size of the fleet, to qualify for membership. From now until May 2017, these individuals can join NAFA under the existing categories of "Full Member" or "Associate Member," but in May these categories will be combined in to a new category called "Regular Members."

Next, the changes in the bylaws calls for the creation of a Leadership Advisory Board (LAB) to help direct NAFA’s strategic efforts. The LAB will take the place of the Board of Delegates and Board of Governors, which will have their final meetings in October.

Finally, we have enhanced the composition of, as well as the election process to, the leadership board of NAFA. Here’s how:
1. Up to 5 of the 13 members of the Board can be Associate Members (Affiliates). This is up from just one in the former structure.
2. Later this month, a nominating committee will be formed consisting of three current Board members, the Immediate past President of NAFA, and three individuals selected by the President with the Board’s consent. The Nominating Committee will be charged with selecting candidates for 4 vacant seats on Board of Directors.  
3. The Nominating Committee, after consulting with the entire Board, will announce a list of desired qualifications, skills, and attributes of candidates to fill the vacant Board seats.  
4. In addition to the Nominating Committee actively seeking candidates, eligible individuals, including Affiliates, will have the ability to place their names before the Committee for consideration.  
5. The Nominating Committee will present its recommended candidates for election by mid-November.
6. The election to the Board of Directors will take place in January 2017, and the new Board of Directors will take office in February 2017.  
7. The Board of Directors will elect from itself a new NAFA President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer, while the sitting NAFA President will succeed to the Immediate Past President seat.
Thank you for your support of these major changes!  

Now, I encourage you to get involved in this new format and process. There has never been a better time – and it has never been easier – to be an active player in NAFA.  



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