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NAFA Endorses Legislation to Create Alternative Fueling Infrastructure

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On October 8, NAFA sent a letter endorsing S.674/H.R.2616, the Clean Corridors Act of 2019, to House and Senate sponsors of the legislation, Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Representative Mark DeSaulnier (D-Calif.). The legislation would provide grant funding for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations and hydrogen fueling infrastructure along designated corridors across the National Highway System. NAFA also supports the expansion of the legislative provisions in S.674/H.R.2616 to include natural gas fueling infrastructure, as is the case in S.2302, America's Transportation Infrastructure Act of 2019.

If enacted, the bill contains provisions that identify fleet managers as one of the stakeholder groups grant recipients need to engage with to demonstrate that this infrastructure is being deployed effectively. NAFA believes the creation of an extensive network of interconnected alternative fuel corridors is critical to the commercialization and adoption of advanced alternative fuel vehicle technologies.


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