The First Word - Thank You For Making I&E So Successful

By Phillip E. Russo, CAE
Executive Director, NAFA

All aspects of the automotive industry have been affected by the economic downturn, but even in these tough times NAFA's Members and Affiliates were able to meet in Detroit for an unprecedented gathering.

NAFA's annual Institute & Expo was, by all accounts, a success because of the number of participants, volunteer dedication, and the enthusiasm of exhibitors.
More than 1,950 fleet professionals came to the Motor City to attend dozens of educational workshops, listen to advice from highly-regarded industry professionals, and network on the expo floor.

Some attendees even chose to go the extra mile and help make Detroit a better place by volunteering with Habitat For Humanity. More than 30 Institute & Expo attendees volunteered with the national nonprofit organize to help construct three homes for families in need. NAFA also made a contribution to Habitat for Humanity projects in Detroit.

Attendees had the opportunity to hear Bob Lutz of GM, Mark Fields of Ford, and Peter Grady of Chrysler give the inside scoop on their companies' newest technological advances and vehicles for the fleet industry. The auto executives collectively thanked fleet managers for supporting their companies in difficult times and Lutz received NAFA's Lifetime Honorary Membership.

Fleet managers roamed the aisles of the sold-out Expo floor Sunday and Monday, seeking advice, making new contacts, viewing innovative products, and gathering fresh ideas for doing business in tough times. Both attendees and exhibitors enjoyed NAFA's first Networking Welcome Reception on the Expo floor.

"It's been a really good resource for networking," said Lillian Cook, Fleet/ Operations Support Administrator for New River Electrical Corp. "As far as the organization itself - it has helped us gain more confidence from our peers, co-workers, and project managers."

Thank you, everyone, for making the 2010 Expo a rousing success!