Celebrating Membership Milestones

This month several Members are celebrating important NAFA membership milestones. NAFA would like to thank them for being a part of our family.  It is our Members who help make this Association successful. Your volunteer work has helped create and successfully run various committees, provide publications, educational workshops and testing, and annually offer our Institute and Expo. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!

Celebrating their 30-year anniversary with NAFA:

Jack Gray was Superintendent of Building and Fleet Services with the Village of Elk Grove Village, Ill., for 33 years before retiring in November 2009. He continues to provide fleet expertise as a consultant/advisor to Elk Grove Village, in a part-time capacity while being semi-retired, and he serves as the Village Safety Director.

Jack has been an active NAFA Member for more than 25 years and served on numerous committees, as well as serving as the chair of the LEG (Law Enforcement Group) from 1996 through 1999.  Prior to 1996, Jack served as secretary and vice chair of the LEG. Jack has been an active member of MFMA (Municipal Fleet Managers Association) since 1989 and has served as president/chairman of MFMA since 1995.

Away from Elk Grove, Jack has served as an elected official with the Hampshire, Ill., Fire Protection District as president for 10 years and as a Hampshire Township Trustee for four years. Jack is still active on the Hampshire Planning Commission as President for more than 16 years.

His wife Laura operates a small pool chemical business and Jack assists her with various duties and deliveries. Together they have nine grandchildren that live near them and three in the Orlando area. Jack's hobbies include home improvement, street rods, woodworking, power boating, and spending time with his grandchildren.

Chris Hill has managed the Central Fleet section in the City of Hamilton since 2004, achieving the first E3 Green Fleet Rating in Canada in 2007 and registering the Central Garage to the ISO 14001:2004 standard.

Chris started his career in fleet management in 1974 with a leasing company.  He joined NAFA in 1980 as Fleet Manager at General Foods Canada.  He became Ontario Chapter Vice-Chair in 1982 and Chair from 1984 to 1986.  He later served on the national Editorial and Education committees and as President of the Can-NAFA Fleet Foundation. In 2009 he was appointed to be Chair of the Ontario Chapter again and now serves as Program Chair.  On the national level, he serves as Vice Chair of the Fuels and Technology Committee.

Chris has a Master's in Business Adminstration from the University of Toronto and is a Certified Management Consultant.  He has written numerous articles in industry journals and recently served as a member of Canada's Electric Vehicle Technology Roadmap team and the Natural Gas Vehicle Roadmap team.  He is a founding organizer of the Green Fleet Expo, held annually since 2006 to showcase low-emission vehicle technology.

Also celebrating a 30-year anniversary with NAFA is Emile G. Bourdet, Organ, N.M.

Celebrating their 25-year anniversary:

Greg Asadoorian is the Director of Global Fleet for Invensys and is responsible for Fleet procurement and operations. Greg's career with Invensys spans 29 years. Prior to taking on the Global Fleet role in 1999, Greg was the Manager - Corporate Administrative Services for Invensys in North America, which included Fleet, Travel & Real Estate, and is a past member of the New England Business Travel Association, and the National Association of Corporate Real Estate Executives. Greg was a nominee for Fleet Manager of the Year in 2003, received NAFA's Outstanding Chapter Award in 2007, and was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from PHH in 2009. He is a past Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary of the New England Chapter and remains an active Board member and a frequent presenter/speaker. In addition, he served on the GM Commercial Sounding Board, GM Global Sounding Board, GE Capital's Client Advisory Council, and is a current member of PHH's Client Advisory Board.  Outside of work, Greg enjoys jet skiing, biking and jogging. He resides in Raynham, Mass., with his wife Ruthie. Greg and his wife have two sons and two grandchildren.

Jay M. Domeseck is Fleet Director for the Town of Greenwich, Conn. He started working in gas stations when he was 15 and went on to college for a two-year degree in automotives. He then became a mechanic and over time found himself in supervisory positions. Jay says one of the biggest changes to the industry since his early mechanic days is the technology.

"You used to be able to fix things without computers," he said. "Technology has just gotten so advanced."

Jay enjoys the information he receives from NAFA and spends his free time with his two children.

Charles Woolard is celebrating his 25th anniversary with NAFA. Woolard entered the fleet industry when he was employed as a shift foreman in a GMC/Brockway/Freightliner truck dealership in the early 1980s.

"I found that I wanted to go in another direction but wanted to remain in the automotive field.  I was hired by a large regional bank, (CoreStates-now owned by Wells Fargo) to get their fleet of vehicles in order," he said. "My new manager was a member of NAFA and saw the value of my joining the organization."

Woolard found camaraderie and similar concerns with his NAFA peers, especially when sharing solutions.

"The networking with other fleet managers has always been the most important aspect of my membership," he said. "As technology expanded to e-mail, the forums got larger and made it easier to reach out to those with shared experiences." 

Leland F. Ross is celebrating his 25th anniversary with NAFA. Ross spent 35 years with New England Telephone, AT&T Co., and NYNEX and has been in the automotive industry for the last 18 years.
Over the years, many aspects of the automotive industry have changed and Ross says IT systems and leading company handling fleets are just two major changes since his early days.

Ross was nominated twice for the Automotive Fleet award and says he has met "a lot of nice people through NAFA."

Also celebrating his 25-year anniversary with NAFA is Robert M. Fornaciari, Livermore, Calif.