NAFA Provides You With Up-to-Date Changes In The Alternative Fuel Arena

NAFA provides our Members with up-to-date changes that occur in the alternative fuels arena by posting changes with regard to technology, laws, regulations, OEM vehicle availability, incentives and more. We also provide links to the Department of Energy's two websites with current information on alternative fuels, in addition to a link to the Vehicle Buyer's Guide, which helps fleets and consumers select AFVs that are right for them based on costs, specifications and fueling/vehicle availability. More information can be found in NAFA's Fuel Management Guide, a NAFA product listed in NAFA's online store.

Look for changes in the FleetFOCUS newsletter, in our FLEETSolutions magazine, or online by clicking here.You can also log into log on with your username and password, click on Resource Center, and then hit Alternative Fuels.