Drive Safely Work Week

Safe driving is serious business - that's the motto for October's Drive Safely Work Week 2010 by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation. The event will be held October 4-8 and, as an incentive, a 2010 DSWW tool kit can be downloaded FREE through September 20 via the NETS website at www.trafficsafety.orgThe program provides meaningful activities to:

The campaign tool kit is entirely web-based, providing downloadable activities and tools for each day of the campaign week. The 2010 campaign materials focus on the dangers of distracted driving, particularly as related to the use of cell phones and texting. For more information on NETS, visit

"The campaign is a call to action for employers to do something to curb distracted driving. Whether it's reinforcing or strengthening an existing cell phone policy, preparing employees for the launch of a new policy or simply raising awareness of the issue through education, the Drive Safely Work Week campaign provides meaningful tools and activities to help accomplish any of these objectives," said Bill Windsor, NETS Chairman, Nationwide Insurance, Associate Vice President – Safety.