Three Associations Team Up To Stop Texting And Driving

The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers joined The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and The Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) in a national public education campaign on the dangers of texting while driving. The partnership's initial efforts include placing the AAOS/OTA's already-successful "OMG: Get the Message" campaign signs in thousands of doctors' waiting rooms nationwide.

The overall "OMG" campaign already includes patient-education materials (including postcards and posters) as well as airport advertising and billboards in hundreds of locations throughout the country. While the groups have set up websites with more information at, and, the broad campaign also will include social media initiatives and a radio advertising campaign.

"We're pleased to be able to work with these two leading medical associations to spread this message," said Alliance President and CEO Dave McCurdy. "While our industry spends billions to continue developing technology that helps drivers focus on the road, we also support state laws banning the use of handheld cell phones and texting devices while driving. We also know that education and awareness are important parts of the solution, too."

"OTA, with AAOS, has created a shocking advertisement with one goal in mind – to get drivers of all ages to take notice. We're seeing more and more injuries – and even fatalities – related to texting and driving. Many of the traumatic injuries we treat can be avoided by simply choosing to stop texting behind the wheel, so we want drivers to ‘get the message' that texting and driving is dangerous," said OTA President Timothy J. Bray, MD.

The partnership among the three associations will continue to deliver the message through social media outlets, radio ads and even in one-on-one conversations between doctors and patients of any age that texting while driving is a deadly distraction.