The First Word: You Give NAFA Its Competitive Edge

By Phillip E. Russo, CAE
Executive Director

I recently read a series of interviews with financial experts and consultants to the not-for-profit world regarding their views on how associations like NAFA can continue to thrive in this competitive market.  Among the most salient points made were their thoughts on how associations can create and leverage content – intellectual property – that for-profit entities cannot duplicate.  One expert said it best:

"What the associations have going for them is volunteer-driven content that they don't have to pay for, that those competitors (for-profits entities) have to pay for.  The big concern is open access and the fact that everybody wants it for nothing...If you can't protect it, show its value, and have it be relevant because of how you deliver it, then that's a business risk."

I want you to know that everyone at NAFA greatly appreciates the time you take to help NAFA create that content and give us that competitive edge.  Whether it's completing a survey, putting together a chapter meeting, writing an article, speaking at a conference, helping develop a new product, or any other means of contributing, we recognize that NAFA would not exist without you.

That's why NAFA goes to great lengths to protect its content and make certain assets available only to Members and Affiliates.  In fact, in the case of NAFA's benchmarking surveys, while everyone receives the summary results published in FLEETSolutions, only Members (fleet managers) can request and receive personalized data based on sort criteria they choose, so they can make more direct comparisons with their operations.  We think this is a value-added benefit of being a NAFA Member and another way that NAFA helps fleet managers help each other.  Relating this to the expert's comments above, this service gives NAFA a tremendous marketing tool when we approach prospective and renewing members when they realize they can only get the data they want by joining NAFA.  If we gave everything away to everyone, we would lose that edge.

So, thank you again for sharing your knowledge, expertise, and data with NAFA.  You give NAFA its competitive edge.  This association was built on the premise of peers helping peers and we will do everything we can to facilitate that while protecting the valuable intellectual property you share with us.  It's the least we can do to safeguard the investment you've made in NAFA.


P.S.  NAFA also takes great efforts to protect your privacy and personal information.  Please click here to view our Privacy Policy.