Sue Miller Becomes 1,000th Member Of NAFA's LinkedIn Group!

NAFA Member Sue Miller, CAFS, recently became the 1,000 person to be "connected" to NAFA's recently created LinkedIn group.  While the connections have been coming fast and furious, it's rather appropriate that the milestone was hit by Sue. As the Senior Manager, Domestic Fleet for McDonald's Corp., Miller has been a Member of NAFA since 1979 and is an integral part of the Association's Corporate Advisory Council.

"The success of NAFA's LinkedIn group has been tremendous!" said NAFA's Executive Director, Phillip E. Russo, CAE.  "We have not only reached 1,000 members, but have seen dozens of discussions with questions and answers and advice from fleet professionals. This has taken NAFA networking to a new level! If you have a fleet-related problem, the members of NAFA's LinkedIn Group are an excellent place to turn.  Just join the group and start a new thread with your question. Chances are you'll receive responses nearly instantly — it's amazing!"

LinkedIn is one part of NAFA's overall social media plan, which will also include other popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. You can visit NAFA's LinkedIn group from the little icon on the top right of the main page of FleetFOCUS or by clicking here.

As of Friday, November 19, NAFA's LinkedIn group is now up to 1,020 members. Come aboard!