Strict Enforcement Of Cell Phone Bans Boosts Fleet Safety Performance, According To NETS Study

A new study of company vehicle fleet crash rates reveals the top safety performers are companies with policies enacting a total ban on cell phone use (handheld and hands-free) and that establish strong consequences — including termination — for employees who violate such policies.

The latest "Strength in Numbers Fleet Benchmarking Study," sponsored by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS), found the significant commonalities among the leading performers were not only that they were more likely to have a total ban on mobile phone use, but 6 of the 8 leading companies were also more likely to terminate a driver for violating the company's mobile device policy. By comparison, all 13 companies that fell in the bottom of the rankings had some degree of a mobile device policy, but none had the option to terminate a driver for violating the policy.

The NETS "Strength in Numbers" members offer tips when constructing a corporate mobile device policy: