The First Word

The First Word
By Phil Russo, CAE
NAFA Executive Director

Thank You For A Successful Year

During this season of giving, I would like to take a moment to thank you for your support of NAFA throughout the past year.

It has been a challenging year for many, and NAFA was no exception.  However, we seized the many opportunities the economy presented and turned them in to success stories that changed the way we do business. For instance, NAFA accomplished these major goals in the past few months alone:

As you can see, NAFA is working hard to provide "Fleet Solutions for Fleet Professionals," as our slogan says.  It is our goal to help you and your company solve business problems, deal with difficult issues, lower your cost of doing business, and keep ahead of the curve on important issues.  We appreciate your membership as we carry out that mission.

Please know, too, that NAFA is very proud to represent you and your company as the industry's largest and only all-inclusive fleet association.  Thank you for giving us that distinction and that privilege.

I hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday season.

And remember, you can always contact your NAFA staff team at or 609-720-0882.

