Report, Task Force Calls For Heavy Duty Incentives To Grow American Advanced Truck Industry


A blue-ribbon Task Force of more than 40 truck industry leaders from fleets, the manufacturing sector, and suppliers called for performance-based incentives and policies to accelerate American leadership in the global advanced truck market.  Their recommendations are part of a report by CALSTART entitled "Speeding High-Efficiency Truck Adoption."   The top measures called for include:

CALSTART convened the Task Force to identify key user and industry needs and help develop the recommendations contained in the report.  The critical supporting policies and incentives are designed to ensure that new truck fuel economy and carbon emission regulations proposed by the federal government – and the benefits from those regulations – have the best chance of transforming the trucking sector.  Task Force members support the new regulations, but felt the regulations alone were not sufficient.

"High efficiency trucks are a win-win not only for the people that produce and use these trucks, but for our nation overall. Ultimately, the truck industry and fleets want to see a transition toward more efficient trucks, but to get there they need support from a comprehensive policy package that includes both carrots and sticks," said CALSTART President and CEO John Boesel.