Communications Benchmarking Survey Shows NAFA Trustworthy With Growth Opportunities

Earlier this year, NAFA asked you to participate in the 2011 NAFA Stakeholder Communication Survey, a communications effectiveness survey as a vital method to gather feedback and to see if we are fulfilling your professional wants and needs, while providing you true value. How well is the Association communicating with you in today's constantly changing environment? Did we identify a definitive set of association communication best practices from the collective survey responses? Is there room for improvement and ways to provide you better service and more value during the forthcoming year? So, how did NAFA fair?

Trustworthy and Reliable
First, please accept my gratitude and thanks to all who participated in this survey. Secondly, the survey response was great – and that is so very important, too! 591 Members, Affiliates, and vendors responded to the survey. This translates to a +/- 3.62 margin of error so we know that this information is statistically valid and accurate to that degree of error. Now onto the results and what this means to you and the Association.

The objective of the survey was not only to see how well NAFA was keeping pace with associations of similar membership size and operating budget, but to see how well NAFA is addressing the communications needs of our members and other stakeholders. We wanted to explore the degree to which members were continuing to find value in each of NAFA’s many communications vehicles, as well as any gaps in its product offerings or information coverage. Overall results follow.

NAFA has a wider array of communications vehicles than most associations of similar membership size, staff size, and operating budget. NAFA is more progressive than many of its peers in terms of non-dues revenue focus and keeping advertisers and sponsors satisfied. In addition, the majority of members say NAFA is trustworthy; that it is communicating effectively, on the right frequency, and that each of NAFA’s regular communications vehicles meet their stated objectives "all or most of the time." And despite the large number of communications vehicles that NAFA offers members -- seven publications offered in multiple formats and additional online portals and communities! -- NAFA’s members are regularly reading/viewing its communications offerings at an above-average rate.

A few highlights are:

Areas of Opportunity to Improve
Those stats are fantastic. Yet in many respects more importantly, the survey also indicated we have a number of important growth opportunities.

Here are some of the highlights:

NAFA is actively working on pursuing and developing improvements so that information is specific to your needs and that information can easily be located and quickly accessed. In addition, we are seeking more avenues to give you needed benchmarking data and more statistics. We know how important your time is and finding information quickly and easily is key to keeping your workday and productivity flowing!

I look forward to continuing to provide more value, more services, and more benefits throughout the coming year! Please "stay tuned"!


Executive Director, NAFA