Effort To Block Fifteen Percent Ethanol Waiver In The House

An effort that would prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from implementing its approved waiver for E15 ethanol blends in America’s fuel supply is being led by Reps. John Sullivan (R-OK) and Gary Peters (D-MI).

Growth Energy Chief Executive Officer Tom Buis says they intend to fight against an amendment to the FY 2012 Department of the Interior and EPA funding bills that would block EPA from moving forward with the regulatory decision made in January approving E15 for all vehicles built in the last decade.

"The Sullivan/Peters amendment picks politics over science," Buis said in a statement. "Voting for this amendment is like voting to keep our nation addicted to foreign oil and all the economic and military consequences of that addiction."

The amendment was printed in the record on July 25.