Dues/Fees Assistance Is Available For Members In Need

NAFA prides itself on our close-knit community and family essence. This especially plays a part in such times of economic and employment hardships that have affected so many members of the NAFA community. This includes those who may have lost their fleet job recently; who are not working due to temporary illness or disability; who are providing full-time care to a loved one without compensation; or who find that they are in a situation where they must leave the industry temporarily but intend to enter the fleet management field again when employment is available.

Did you know that members may petition NAFA for a reduction of membership dues and Affiliation fees? NAFA would like to remind you, as a NAFA member, of your ability to petition the Association with such a request. NAFA’s Bylaws provide the Trustees with the power and the authority to determine dues at any time for any person or membership class of people. Anyone at any time may petition the NAFA Trustees, through the national Membership Committee, for a reduction or waiver of dues/fees.

If you find yourself in one of the hardships categories noted above, or if you have recently (within the past year) had to cancel your NAFA membership due to such hardships, please let us know and request a reduction in fees that might best suit your specific situation.

To request a reduction or waiver of dues/fees, simply put your request in writing and submit it to the NAFA Membership Department. Along with your specific request, please include your full name and company (if available), complete contact information, and reason for the request. The Membership Department will see to its review within the membership month and notify you of the official decision granted. Written requests may be sent either as a mailed letter or an email to info@nafa.org  and use "Dues/Fees Request" in the subject line if you are emailing. Please do not fax requests. To review details on who is eligible and for how long, please visit the NAFA "dues/fees" webpage by clicking here, or view the PDF here.

NAFA is your association -- and it is through the continued support of Members and Affiliates such as yourself that NAFA exists and achieves so much for the industry, our professionals, and the profession as a whole. Thank you for the years of NAFA support and dedication to our profession!