350Green To Install EV Chargers In Cities Throughout America

350Green, a developer of wide scale electric vehicle charging networks in major cities in the United States and around the world, has placed an order for nine hundred Plug-In Electric Vehicle (EV) Level 3 QC50 DC Fast Chargers with Efacec USA (the U.S. subsidiary of Efacec, a Portuguese company that manufactures and develops power transformers and mobile substations) to meet growing demand for EV charging stations across the country. This is the largest order 350Green has placed to date, and the units will be manufactured in Norcross, Georgia, signaling the first time the fast chargers will be built in the U.S.

The first 145 units will be delivered by December 31, 2011 with the remaining 755 to be delivered by the end of 2014. The EV charging stations will be installed in cities across the country as part of 350Green’s nationwide rollout. The company currently has 1,200 public chargers in eighteen cities.

The EV Chargers can be used to charge several EV models currently on the market, is CHAdeMO (or "CHArge de MOve," the trade name of a quick charging method for battery electric vehicles delivering up to 62.5 kW of high-voltage direct current via a special electrical connector) compliant, and produces high power output while still maintaining top power factor, THD, and efficiency ratings. The system can charge EV’s up to eighty percent within thirty minutes depending on the EV model.