The First Word: Strength In Numbers

One of NAFA’s greatest strengths is our ability to accurately (and rightfully) represent the collective voice of more than 2,000 individual fleet managers.  No other organization in the world can make claim to having the clout NAFA has when it comes to standing up for fleet managers and knowing what they want.  But we need your help to get stronger and bigger.

Size matters in many aspects of life, but no more so than in Washington and other places where NAFA regularly goes to bat for you.  In the past month alone, NAFA has commented on your behalf to political leaders in Washington on such important subjects as:
One of NAFA’s greatest assets in all of these efforts is the fact that we have real, hard, accurate data about fleet operations in the United States and Canada.  We use that data to convince lawmakers and others of the impact of their choices.  And the more data we have, the more clout we have. 

That’s why every year we ask every NAFA member to update their fleet profile in the NAFA membership database.  It is critical that every member minimally tells us about the size of their fleet, the types of vehicles they have, and whether they are leased or owned.  Of course, if you’d like to supply us with more information, that would be better, and our database can certainly handle it.

Won’t you take a few minutes now to update your fleet profile in the NAFA database?  It really is a very simple process and it probably won’t require you to do any research since you’ll likely know most of the information off the top of your head. 

You can access your profile online through a secure and encrypted website, so that need not be a fear.  Log into the NAFA website by clicking here, then click on the My Profile link on the top of the page.  Once you’ve logged on, please click on the "Fleet Composition" button and the "Fleet Characteristics" button.  Any additional information can be added in the "Profile" section.  (If you would like to fill out a paper form,  please send an email to and request a Profile Update form.)

You also do not have to worry about NAFA sharing your data.  At no time do we ever share anyone’s individual profile with anyone.  We only use the data to create aggregate numbers so that we can help best represent you.

There really is strength in numbers and we need your numbers.  Please update your profile today!

