Elgin, IL Releases Sustainability Plan

The City of Elgin, IL Council approved a Sustainability Action Plan consisting of one hundred eight "greening" goals, including studying the effectiveness of alternative fuel vehicles in the City fleet. The plan was resident-written.

Some of the goals of the plan include studying the effectiveness of alternative-fuel vehicles within the municipal fleet and continued support of alternative-fuel and hybrid vehicles. The results of the study are expected to be used in fleet-related decisions in the future.

The 117-page document, which can be read here, also recommends the creation of an idling policy to reduce idling within the municipal fleet.

The City has been using B-10 biodiesel fuel in its entire diesel fleet since 2005 in units ranging from snow plows to street sweepers, according to details outlined in the plan. The City has had no issues regarding biodiesel use and foresees continued usage. Elgin also uses eight hybrid vehicles in its fleet.

According to the City website, Elgin is establishing a standing Sustainability Commission comprised of residents to oversee plan implementation.