NAFA Members Are Sharing Their Stories On Facebook - Are You?

From now until October 7, NAFA is asking Members and Affiliates to share their favorite memory with the NAFA community. Submissions will be reviewed and judged by NAFA staff and NAFA's Facebook fans. Two active participants have a chance to win one of two brand-new Apple iPads.

More importantly, share your times of the Association's past with the current Membership. Does your story match up with Al Cavalli's "Victor Victoria" prank, Karen Doyon's recollection of when she had to "take over" the fleet, Jon Crull's cowboy hat, and Dave Lighthall's memory of the first graduating class of the original Certified Fleet Manager (CFM) program?

Enter today and tell us your NAFA story!

How To Enter:

Entrants must submit their favorite NAFA memory to the Contest's Sponsor, "NAFA." NAFA Members and Affiliates must submit their Entry via electronic mail to Each entrant's email must include the entrant full name, valid phone number, and only ONE of the following:
Each entry will be reviewed for relevance and propriety and may be edited before going onto the NAFA Facebook website.

Once posted on NAFA's Facebook page, NAFA Facebook "fans" will have the opportunity to "like" and post comments regarding each entry. One of the deciding factors on the winning submissions will be based on Facebook likes and comments.

The contest ends October 7, 2011 and two winners will be selected, based upon staff's assessment of each Entry and Facebook comments.

Winners will be notified via telephone on or about October 14, 2011.
Official Contest Rules

A person may enter more than one (1) Entry, but must send one (1) electronic email per entry. The Contest is open to all NAFA Full Members, Associate Members, Junior Members (students), Affiliates, Regional Affiliates, and Alumni in good standing as of date of entry. Full contest rules can be found here.

Be sure to get other NAFA Members, family, and friends to "Like NAFA" on Facebook so they can vote for your Entry.

And continue to check out entries and stories as they come in at:!/nafafleet