FBI: Auto Theft Decreases 7.2 Percent; Ford Offers Auto Theft Safety Tips

Fewer Americans were victims of car thefts last year. The FBI's annual Uniform Crime Report shows a 7.2 percentage decrease in auto thefts compared to 2010. Improved anti-theft devices and safety tips can help continue this downward trend. Unfortunately, potential thieves will not give up on their efforts to steal cars. With likewise persistence, Ford is constantly improving technologies and methods to keep vehicles secure for its customers.

Several technologies have been promoted to better protect vehicles:
Despite significant and ongoing improvements in security features, no system is foolproof. The goal of each preventative measure is to deter theft by making it more difficult for thieves to steal vehicles.

For increased protection, additional anti-theft safety services can be made available:
Everyday things owners can do to protect against theft: 

You might think most stolen vehicles are expensive sports cars or multipurpose passenger vehicles, but that's not always the case. It also doesn't matter whether you live in a big city, the suburbs, or in the country; anyone is susceptible to vehicle theft.

In fact, forty to fifty percent of vehicle theft is due to driver error, which includes leaving vehicle doors unlocked and leaving keys in the ignition or on the seats.

But there are measures owners can take to make sure their vehicles are not an easy target for thieves:
Finally, if you have information on an auto theft crime, first report it to police and then see if there is a theft prevention program that offers potential cash rewards for information on auto theft crimes.