Sophisticated Tactics Of Organized Car Thieves Drive Drop In National Recovery Rate Of Stolen Vehicles

The FBI's newly published 2010 Uniform Crime Report demonstrated that the national number of motor vehicle thefts is decreasing. While that's good news, 43.9 percent of vehicles stolen in 2010 were never recovered, which amounts to 323,605 stolen vehicles that were never returned to their owners.

"As the sophistication of car technology continues to evolve, so do the theft tactics of today's professional crime rings, which are largely behind most vehicle theft we see today," said Patrick Clancy, Vice President, Law Enforcement, LoJack Corporation.  "These thieves are finding new ways to get around just about all of the anti-theft devices, including smart keys, electronic immobilizers, and factory installed tracking systems, which is precisely why consumers need to protect their ensure they'll get their cars back if they're ever stolen."

Below is a compilation of recent recoveries from September 2011, which demonstrate the effectiveness of a locator system in defeating thieves' tactics.  These reflect several trends, including the international exportation of stolen vehicles and the ways in which thieves are attempting to defeat new technology.