NAFA Asked You To Share Your Story, And You Responded

Inventive costumes. New careers in fleet. Birthday celebrations. Childhood dreams coming true. These were just some of the invigorating memories produced from NAFA’s Share Your Story contest, which took place in September and October. Memories ranged significantly, from silly and fun to those of reverence and gratefulness.

NAFA’s Share Your Story contest was a unique way to solicit personal NAFA stories while promoting NAFA’s social media outlets. The contest ran from September 8 to October 7, 2011. Participants were asked to submit their favorite NAFA memory to share with the NAFA community. Submissions were entered on NAFA’s Facebook page, where Facebook fans could "like" different entries. The more "likes," the better the chance their entry would be chosen for one of the grand prizes, two new Apple iPads.

Current NAFA Members and Alumni shared their experiences during the contest, each one detailing how NAFA has influenced, helped, or played a role in someone’s life. On October 7, two winners were selected, based upon staff's assessment of each Entry and Facebook comments; not an easy job, since all the entries were inspiring and reflected the benefits of NAFA membership.

One of the two winners, Karen Doyon, CAFM, wrote about how NAFA helped her advance in her career. "In 2010, my company was sold and my position was going to be eliminated. As an active member of NAFA, I made many connections and enhanced my fleet knowledge," Doyon wrote. "This helped me secure my current position as a full-time fleet administrator with responsibility for approximately 500 vehicles in North America. Without the benefit of NAFA, I wouldn’t have achieved the next step in my career. Thank you, NAFA!"

Michael Bisogno, CAFM, the other contest winner, wrote how NAFA had helped him make one of his childhood fantasies come true at NAFA's 2011 I&E in Charlotte, NC. "I was one of those kids who always wanted to be a policeman and as that dream developed, and as I aged, I always wanted to know what it was like to drive a police Lo and behold, while attending the PSG Rodeo, there sat a line of brand new police cars and a test track. Who says we can't enjoy what we do?"

If you would like to read all of the contest entries or become a Facebook fan of NAFA, please visit