NAFA Legislative Alert: Extension Of The Biodiesel Tax Credit

On October 11, Phillip Russo, CAE, Executive Director, presented an open call for action regarding the Biodiesel Tax Incentive Reform and Extension Act of 2011. The text is as follows:

Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Congress to extend the biodiesel tax credit through December 31, 2014. 

If your fleet uses biodiesel, I urge you to immediately contact your two United States Senators and your Representative with the request that they co-sponsor the Biodiesel Tax Incentive Reform and Extension Act of 2011 (S. 1277 and H.R. 2230).

This legislation amends the Internal Revenue Code to revise the income and excise tax credits for biodiesel used as fuel, and extends the biodiesel income and excise tax credits through December 31, 2014.

If legislation is not passed this year, the tax credit for biodiesel will expire on December 31, 2011.

NAFA is providing a draft letter for your use.  Do not hesitate to personalize your message and to explain the impact the credit expiration will have your fleet.

The sample letter and additional information is available via the links below.

Sample Letter to Congress Can Be Found Here.

Find Your U.S. House Representative
Find Your U.S. Senators

NAFA’s Letter to Congress Can Be Found Here.

Biodiesel Tax Bill - General Backgrounder
Biodiesel Top 10 Q & A