Ricardo Study Suggests Global Oil Demand May Peak Before 2020

Automotive industry consulting firm Ricardo Strategic announced on November 7 the results of a multi-client research study conducted by Ricardo in association with Kevin J. Lindemer LLC, and involved participation of some of the world's leading energy and technology companies and organizations. The research challenged the concept that "Peak Oil" will be a supply side phenomenon and predicts that the demand for oil may well peak before 2020 and then fall back to levels significantly below 2010 demand by 2035.

"The world is nearing a paradigm shift in oil demand," said Peter Hughes, Managing Director of the Energy Practice of Ricardo Strategic Consulting. "The predominant role of oil in the global energy mix is facing an ever greater challenge from a number of emerging trends. Over the past few years a near 'perfect storm' for oil demand has been forming and gathering strength, created by a preoccupation in many quarters about the availability of future supplies."

The study predicts significant changes in future demand patterns, strongly influenced by global energy security policies, the technology change that they promote, and demographics. Changes in automotive technology is predicted to bring changes in fuel demand. The increasing disparity of demand between fuel types, diesel volumes are buoyed by heavy duty transportation use while gasoline declines due to increasing powertrain efficiencies and higher pump blends of bio-ethanol. The study also predicts improved supply prospects for natural gas likely to lead to decoupling of oil and gas market.

"As a result, the drivers working against oil demand growth are increasing in number and intensity, with the world's consuming nations increasingly focused on their need to reduce their dependency on oil, supported by an ever stronger legislative framework," added Hughes.

Summary of key findings of the research project: