NAFA Issues Call For Submissions For 2012 Webinar Roster; Deadline Is November 30

Since the NAFA 2011 Free Webinar Series was so well received by members, NAFA is continuing to add to its cache of valuable member services by scheduling a full slate of webinars for 2012.  These in-office seminars will deal with the most current topics delivered by industry experts.  If you would like to suggest a topic and speaker to be included in the webinar series, please fill out the Call for Presentations Response Form and return by November 30, 2011. 

We need your help to identify topics and speakers and develop a full schedule of monthly fleet management educational webinars for the calendar year 2012.

Our webinars have a duration of one hour from 12:00pm – 1:00 pm (Eastern time), often to accommodate viewers with time restrictions. By holding the time down to an hour during this specific time frame, our webinars coincide with lunchtimes, breaks, or off-peak work hours.

To present a webinar, you must have access to a personal/laptop computer, High speed internet, ability to download webinar software, and headphones with a microphone.

All presentation proposals must be submitted by November 30, 2011. All presentation submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail upon receipt. The proposals will be reviewed by NAFA staff.

A survey will be sent to NAFA members to review the topics and rank their interest in attending a webinar on these topics. Survey responses will be due December 10, 2011. Highest ranking topics will be sent to NAFA’s Education Steering Board for approval. You will be notified via email by December 30, 2011 whether your submission has been chosen or not.

It must be noted that NAFA's webinar program is strictly for educational purposes, not for promotional purposes. Sales pitches for products or services submitted as proposals will be eliminated. For sales and products, please refer to NAFA's e-broadcast service (contact Maureen Smith for details at

As an educational tool, your webinar presentation must prove relevance to attendees, present a well-defined topic with focused objectives, provide a practical application of material, offer a timely topic, be material that is original to this presentation, and project an overall perceived level and quality of content.

NAFA reserves to the right to select any - or none - of the submissions. A proposal may be exceptional, but inconsistent with the educational goals of NAFA, duplicate another webinar, have legal/antitrust implications, or prove otherwise not acceptable.

Optional Sponsorship: Each webinar will have one exclusive sponsor. The cost of sponsorship will be $250 per webinar for NAFA Affiliates and $400 per webinar for non-Affiliates . The company who provides the content and speaker will have the first right of refusal on the sponsorship opportunity.

As a sponsor, you will receive:

Completed Call for Presentations must be received by November 30, 2011. Please send to:
Jayne Ratyniak, Director of Meetings & Education
fax: (609) 452-8004 or e-mail:

For complete details, please read our official webinar fact sheet here.