U.S. Legislative Updates

Commuting Benefit Reduced

In 2011, Congress failed to extend the full value of the tax benefit for commuters who use public transit. As a result the $230 a month tax benefit for use of public transportation dropped to $125 a month effective January 1. However, the parking benefit for drivers was increased from $210 to $240 per month because congressional approval was not necessary. Congressional leaders are exploring options for extending the full transit benefit retroactive to January 1.

NAFA Comments to DOE on Hybrid EPACT Credits

NAFA has provided the U.S. Department of Energy with comments on DOE’s proposal to allocate compliance credits for the acquisition of hybrid vehicles by fleets subject to the Energy Policy Act. The proposed rule would allocate credits for the acquisition of a hybrid electric vehicle (1/2 credit), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (1/2 credit), neighborhood electric vehicle (1/4 credit), and a medium or heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicle (1/2 credit). The proposal would also allocate 1 credit for every $25,000 invested in alternative fuel infrastructure and/or alternative fuel non-road equipment.

NAFA asked DOE "to publish a final rule as soon as possible so that covered fleets can take advantage of electronic drive vehicles in Model Year 2012." NAFA urged DOE "to reconsider the proposed half-credit allocation for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), non-AFV plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and non-AFV fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), and non-AFV medium and heavy-duty electric vehicles. Giving full credit for these vehicles would send a signal to the manufacturing community that these vehicles are becoming a ‘mainstream’ technology and a preferred vehicle by large fleets."

EPA Sets Renewable Fuels Requirement for 2012

EPA announced in late December that it will require the total volume of fuel sold in the United States in 2012 to contain 15.2 billion gallons of renewable fuels. (In 2011, EPA set the renewable fuel requirement at 13.95 billion gallons.) The final rule, which was released on December 27, 2011, establishes volume standards for biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuels, and cellulosic biofuels for 2012.