NAFA Announces Beyond Fleet Campaign To Elevate Status Of Fleet Managers

NAFA is proud to announce the launch of a ground-breaking campaign, Beyond Fleet. This campaign is a series of internal and external initiatives designed to promote and advance the fleet management position. Beyond Fleet aims to elevate the status of fleet managers beyond the fleet management community into the mainstream business world where, oftentimes, few understand the true value of your position.

NAFA Members have been asking for assistance with making their job and value to their employer known, especially in this economic climate. In a survey conducted in 2011, more than 400 Members gave their input, which helped formulate the backbone of the Beyond Fleet campaign. It was clear that most participants attest to the fact that fleet professionals feel they are being undervalued and misunderstood.

"NAFA is proud to announce our Beyond Fleet campaign, an exciting new program designed to elevate the perception of fleet managers," said NAFA's President Douglas Weichman, CAFM, who first proposed the campaign during his inaugural speech at NAFA's 2011 Institute & Expo.  "At NAFA, we understand the importance and value of professional fleet managers. The Beyond Fleet campaign will emphasize the value of a fleet manager's expertise and show how their duties go far beyond general fleet responsibilities."

On February 28, several members of the fleet management media were given a sneak preview of the Beyond Fleet campaign via a press call. Journalists from some of the fleet industry's most prominent publishers were the first to hear about the Association’s bold plan to elevate the status of the fleet management profession. The response was overwhelmingly positive and gratifying, with luminaries such as Fleet Management Weekly Editor Janice Sutton and Jack Kazmierski of FleetDigest putting their enthusiastic support behind this initiative. Greg Basich, Government Fleet; Ed Bobit, Bobit Business Media; and Mike Antich, Automotive Fleet were also on-hand to hear about this necessary NAFA effort.

"Beyond Fleet will be one of the most significant Member benefits we've ever offered at NAFA," explained NAFA's Executive Director Phillip E. Russo, CAE.  "We have crafted a digital suite of tools at featuring presentations and template letters for fleet managers to utilize and show their employer they are more than just the ‘'car guy' or 'car gal'.

"From print advertising to radio spots, videos, social media, and even music, our message will be clear, concise, and to the point," added Russo. "Beyond Fleet will demonstrate that a fleet manager's value to his or her employer is, indeed, beyond fleet."

A majority of the media figures who sat in on the press call praised and echoed Russo and Weichman's belief that a program such as Beyond Fleet is crucial, and has been a long time in coming. They pointed to a key element in the program that had been lacking for so long: that the fleet profession is not an insular world, and to keep the industry strong and growing the supervisors and CEOs above the fleet department must be in on the conversation. Beyond Fleet seeks to show them what fleet management does, how they are an asset, and why a vibrant organization benefits from the accumulated knowledge and skills of a fleet professional. Beyond Fleet brings the fleet management message straight to their doorstep.

Beyond Fleet is an ongoing NAFA program that seeks to achieve four goals within the community of fleet professionals.
Fleet managers wear many hats at their job, while bringing value in many ways to their employer. That's why Beyond Fleet has adopted the use of a hat as its icon. It represents a wide variety of responsibilities and the impact you make to your business in many different ways. A metaphor that covers the concept of work, but at the same time can establish the numerous aspects of work. In fleet, many different competencies are used within the "one hat" of the fleet management job description.

A multifaceted, efficient plan was developed to allow NAFA to accomplish the campaign goals above. is a digital suite of tools, presentations, and multimedia devoted to the fleet manager and promoting a better understanding of their work. Presentations, template letters, data, and information will provide fleet managers the resources to promote their value to their employer.

Advertisements in print and digital publications, as well as for websites, popular search engines, and social media will be used. Radio spots will further complement these efforts.

The campaign will use the 2012 Institute & Expo, NAFA Chapter events, national conferences, and agreements with other organizations to promote fleet and accomplish its goals. New tools and resources will be available throughout the year as the campaign moves forwards and progresses. Most importantly, this is not a one-shot effort to introduce fleet into a larger visibility and nothing more. This will be a sustained, committed program as integral to the rest of NAFA's goals and services, preparing to deliver the message of the value and effectiveness of fleet professionals beyond its current borders.

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