Are You Ready For The 2012 I&E In St. Louis?

The NAFA 2012 I&E on April 21-24 in St. Louis is just around the corner. By now you have reserved your hotel, your booth plans are set and your personnel have been selected that will join you at the event. You are working on putting those finishing touches on your I&E attendance plans. The attendance for 2012 is trending twelve percent ahead of last year so we are all looking forward to great participation in St. Louis.

Here are some thoughts as you make your final preparations for the event:
Special note: Local Chapter Affiliate Chairs are invited to a meeting held exclusively for Chapter Affiliate Chairs at the I&E. This meeting will continue our 2012 Affiliate communication plan and will be held on Saturday 4/21 at 5-6 p.m. Invitations will be sent to the Chapter Affiliate Chairs for this event.

Communication update: The NAFA Affiliates Committee has begun the process of communicating with NAFA Chapter Affiliate Chairs. We split the meetings into two groups and our first conference calls/webinars occurring 3/12 and 3/19. Our 3/12 meeting was well received. Thanks to those Affiliate Chairs that participated. We look forward to our 3/19 conference call/webinar with our second group of Chapter Affiliate Chairs.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in St. Louis!

This month's Affiliates Forum contributor is Mark Klein, Chair, NAFA Affiliates Committee, and Strategic Account Manager for Safelite Solutions.