NAFA's Lifecycle Cost Analysis For Fleets Now 25 Percent Off For Members Only!

One of the most important facets of fleet management is the ability to conduct a lifecycle cost analysis. With this product, fleet managers can learn all they need to know about lifecycle cost analysis in just three hours!

The lifecycle of a fleet's vehicles is the heart and soul of your livelihood. It tells you what you need to know, when you need to know it, and when it is time to make the most important decisions regarding your fleet. That is why NAFA's Lifecycle Cost Analysis For Fleets can be a lifesaver for the fleet professional.

NAFA's Lifecycle Cost Analysis for Fleets was created to show fleet managers how to implement the use of analytical financial modeling within their vehicle fleets. Available on computer flash drive, this narrated learning presentation takes about three hours to review, including time to complete all four review activities. Two complete lifecycle cost analysis examples are provided — one using U.S. dollars and the other based in Canadian dollars.

(Please note: sale is reflected in the price as indicated on the site. This offer is for NAFA members only.)

Visit the NAFA Store before this sale ends on May 31: