Ray LaHood Accepts NAFA's Safety Leadership Award - Video Now Online

In his May "First Word" entry for FleetFOCUS, NAFA Executive Director Phil Russo, CAE, said, "Another great sign of NAFA’s momentum at I&E was the fact that U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood recorded a personal thank you message to NAFA to accept the first-ever NAFA Safety Leadership Award. This type of recognition, where a member of the President’s Cabinet not only takes time out of his schedule to record a video but also thanks NAFA’s leaders by name, is unprecedented in NAFA’s history. This speaks volumes about NAFA’s stature and our ability to represent the fleet industry – something no other organization can do."

NAFA’s Safety Leadership Awards were created to recognize individuals and organizations that demonstrate positive influence and impact on vehicular and passenger safety. "During his term as Transportation Secretary, Mr. LaHood has greatly increased public awareness on the dangers of distracted driving, pushed to improve auto safety, developed and enforced valuable safety regulations, and served as a tireless advocate against drunk driving," said Russo. "His work is a testament to the importance of safe driving."

You can view the video by clicking here.