Consumers Sign Final Right To Repair Ballot Petition

The Right to Repair Coalition announced on June 5 that it has achieved its final goal of attaining 20,000 voter signatures in its ballot campaign, well above the 11,000 required. The final batch of certified signatures will be delivered to the Secretary of State’s office well ahead of the early July deadline. Obtaining these signatures was the final step in the signature gathering process required to put the issue on the ballot.

"We are thrilled that this consumer legislation has easily surpassed the final signature requirement, ahead of the deadline," said Art Kinsman, Spokesman of the Massachusetts Right to Repair Coalition. "Motoring consumers have demonstrated their strong support for Right to Repair and are ready to begin saving money on their car repairs and giving them more choice on where they can have their cars repaired when Right to Repair passes," he added.

The announcement brings the Right to Repair signature gathering total to 126,000.

The measure would "require a manufacturer of motor vehicles sold in the Commonwealth to make available for purchase by owners of motor vehicles...and by independent repair facilities the same non-proprietary diagnostic and repair information, including repair technical updates that the manufacturer makes available to its dealers and authorized repair facilities..."

Currently, auto manufacturers provide only some of the non-proprietary diagnostic and safety information needed to repair vehicle owners’ cars with independent technicians, limiting consumers’ choices and losing business for neighborhood repair shops.

"We have heard from consumers about how pleased they are with the State Senate for acting on their behalf last month when it passed the Right to Repair legislation," said Kinsman. "We are looking forward to final passage in the legislature or on the November ballot so that we can ensure cost savings and convenience for the Massachusetts motoring public."