NAFA's Social Media Channels Aim To Engage You, Offer Exchange Opportunities

NAFA always prides itself on being the association for all fleet professionals. Now, with NAFA establishing LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter channels, there are more networking opportunities open for your exchange of fleet management ideas and experiences. One of NAFA's leading strategic goals is to offer our members valuable networking opportunities in the largest community of fleet professionals.

LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are helping to engage networking and promote this goal. These social media outlets are one of the most significant driving forces in today's society. Individuals and organizations alike can derive many advantages from incorporating social media into their daily routines. With NAFA now on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, how can you utilize these outlets to get the most benefit?

LinkedIn - LinkedIn is the ultimate business networking site. NAFA has its own group on LinkedIn, where NAFA Members/Affiliates (over 4,100 and climbing!) make connections with fellow Members/Affiliates, as well as professionals not yet "officially" part of the Association. Through those connections, you can ask questions or start a discussion others might find interesting.  Plus, search the site to identify people who work in a particular industry and contact them directly. If you are looking for a new job opportunity, this is a perfect place to use those connections to see what's available in your field!

Facebook - With more 500 million active users, Facebook is the social site that keeps growing and growing. For NAFA, it's an easy way to share information casually and stay in touch with fellow NAFA colleagues that you may see only once or twice a year. NAFA has its own Facebook Fan Page, which you can "Like." NAFA Facebook page provides you updates on NAFA product discounts, photos from chapter meetings, information on upcoming events, and more.

Twitter - Twitter is useful for just about any and every reason; business, personal interest, connections. And whatever the reason, Twitter provides you the information instantaneously!  NAFA's Twitter site keeps you in touch with NAFA alerts on key fleet industry news with tweets and retweets, NAFA announcements and press releases, notes and comments from on-site meetings, and more. It's also a great way to "chat" with other NAFA followers.

Social media is a powerful and effective networking tool. Take a review of NAFA's social media channels at work or at home to keep up with colleagues and your profession, whether that's asking for ideas or advice, or sharing a smile over the latest photos from I&E. Connect today!