Avoiding Resume Mistakes While Trying To Get Noticed

"Every hiring manager has seen a resume that was a bit ‘out there,’" says Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources at the jobs website CareerBuilder.com. "These job seekers are probably trying to be clever and stand out, but it often backfires and that resume usually goes straight to the ‘no’ pile."

Harris Interactive conducted a survey on behalf of CareerBuilder among 2,298 hiring managers to unearth twelve of the most eccentric things employers have ever seen on resumes this year. For instance, one applicant wrote about her family being in the mob, while another candidate applying for an accounting job said he was "deetail-oriented" and spelled the company’s name incorrectly.

The study also reveals one-in-five HR managers reported that they spend less than thirty seconds reviewing applications and around forty percent spend less than one minute–so it’s possible that some applicants include outlandish or inappropriate content to stand out from the crowd of candidates. But there are more professional ways to get noticed.
Haefner suggests modifying your resume for each position to showcase your achievements and professionalism, and to demonstrate why you are the best candidate for the job. But be sure to do so with clean, clear content and easy-to-read formatting. "You want to go easy on the eye," she says. "And you should only include relevant and appropriate information." Including a silly detail or decorating your resume may be eye-catching, but it will bring only a gasp or a chuckle–not a job offer.

"It’s not always bad to be creative," she adds. Since creativity isn’t completely out of the question, CareerBuilder asked hiring managers for real examples of creative approaches that made positive impressions. Here’s what they reported:
Whether you decide to be creative with your job application or take a more traditional route, your resume must be flawless. Haefner recommends asking three or four people to edit it, as sometimes you need an objective eye to notice that some content may be sloppy, inappropriate, or irrelevant.

When asked what would make them automatically dismiss a candidate from consideration, employers pointed to resumes with typos; that copied large amounts of wording from the job posting; with an inappropriate email address; that don’t include a list of skills; that are more than two pages long; and resumes that are printed on decorative paper, among other things.