Affiliates Forum: A Spirit Of Thankfulness

Greetings from the Affiliates Committee!

It is fitting that during this month of Thanksgiving, we give pause and reflect on the momentous events that have influenced our country recently. First, for all the families affected by Superstorm Sandy, our thoughts and wishes for a quick recovery. Buoyed by the American spirit, and with the aid and resources of others, lives will be re-built and the landscape made stronger.

Similarly, we just concluded a historical election. No matter what your party affiliation, I think we can all agree that the time for America to pull together is now. The challenges faced by our country are many, but the resiliency of the American people can help overcome issues and make us stronger.

It is ironic that the upcoming I&E is scheduled for Atlantic City next April 23-26.  In some small way, through our spirited attendance, we can do our part to help the local economy in their recovery efforts. The NAFA Board has been working diligently to put together a conference that will be insightful (not to mention fun). Just as Atlantic City is moving forward, we need to move forward and get stronger as an organization; the key to this is participation by affiliates and members -- at Chapter meetings, and at the I&E.

We can only improve through your feedback. In that spirit, the Board and Affiliates Committee will be reaching out to Chapter Chairs to enlist volunteers for NAFA Education projects, as well as mentoring opportunities to help students seeking a career in the fleet world. We also appreciate your comments on how we can improve the I&E to make it the most worthwhile use of your valuable time. Please know that you can always call or email any of the members of the Affiliates Committee to voice your thoughts.

There is a wealth of talent among our affiliates in terms of experience and skills that can be put to good use for NAFA. When asked, please search your heart for ways to help make 2013 NAFA’s best year ever.

Giving thanks for you!

This month's Affiliate Contributor is Rich Wanders, National Account Sales for Leggett & Platt CVP.