Canadian Legislative Updates

Auto Crime Down in British Columbia

New figures indicate that there has been a considerable decline in rates of auto-theft crimes throughout British Columbia. Vehicle thefts have dropped a total of 17 percent in the first half of 2012.

Compared to 2002, the year that the Bait Car program was introduced, vehicle thefts and break-ins have declined by 74 percent and 62 percent respectively. Prior to the Bait Car program, the province had one of the highest rates of car theft in North America.

While there have been significant reductions, auto crime still remains a challenge. Older vehicles pose higher risks of being stolen or broken vehicle, as they often lack strategic anti-theft devices.

Tips have been provided by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) to help you protect your vehicle and belongings, and include:
BC Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Shirley Bond, highlighted that the decrease in auto crime is good news but reminds the public to remain vigilant in protecting their vehicles.