Idaho Transportation Department Info Sales Pull $5.4M

The Idaho Transportation Department makes more than $5.4 million a year selling motor vehicle records and other personal information to companies that use it to research car buying patterns, send out recall notices, and even track down scofflaws who don't pay parking tickets given out by private companies.

Department Spokesman Jeff Stratten says none of the information is used to send junk mail, and the department takes steps to make sure the information is being used correctly. Idaho law says the information can be used for purposes including vehicle emissions monitoring, car recalls, and for the enforcement of civil and criminal court actions.

But Idaho residents who get drivers' license or register their vehicles are never notified that the information is being sold, and at least one of the steps the department relies on to ensure proper use of the records appears to have spotty results.

"There's three levels of scrutiny that we rely on," Stratten said. "One is the companies that purchase the motor vehicle bulk records — they have a strong incentive to comply with state and federal laws, because if they don't they're basically out of business."

The second level is information-sharing with other states, he said. Idaho is a member of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, and through that organization ITD officials can hear about companies that are misusing the records.

But Claire O'Brien, Marketing Coordinator with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, said her organization doesn't track companies suspected of misusing motor vehicle or license records. In fact, she said, she doesn't know of any nationwide organization that does that kind of work. So while motor vehicle officials may hear of problems with companies in other states through the grapevine because of their affiliation with the organization, it's not something the AAMVA considers part of its role.

The third level of scrutiny, Stratten said, involves investigative methods that the department doesn't disclose. Those types of investigations can be prompted by consumer complaints. Stratten said anyone who gets a suspicious mailing from a company that they think was misusing motor vehicle records can bring it in for the department to take a look. Complaints are very rare, he said.