Northeast Used-Car Supply Tightens; Only 30 Percent Trades In November

New car sales were strong throughout November, with 1.14 million total sales, an increase of fifteen percent and a handful of car makers posting record months. This pace of new-car sales activity, combined with the continued replacement of inventory from Hurricane Sandy vehicles, will impact used cars in a few different ways, according to Ricky Beggs, Managing Editor of Black Book:
In terms of used-car pricing trends, Black Book analysts recorded notable price changes this past week on several used car and truck segments. Compact cars and sporty cars saw the least price declines, while premium luxury cars and entry-level cars had the biggest price declines.
Compact Cars: -0.25 percent
Sporty Cars: -0.34 percent
Luxury Level Cars: -0.36 percent
Premium Luxury Cars: -0.67 percent
Entry Level Cars: -0.77 percent
For trucks, weekly price increases were recorded for compact SUVs, midsize cargo vans, and compact crossovers. However, midsize van wagons, midsize crossovers, and full-size van wagons all led the largest price declines for trucks.
Compact SUV: +0.06 percent
Midsize Van Cargo: +0.05 percent
Compact Crossovers: +0.02 percent
Midsize Van Wagon: -0.43 percent
Midsize Crossover: -0.51 percent
Fullsize Van Cargo: -0.77 percent