Take The CAFM Test Drive -- Offer Ends Soon!

Have you been considering taking the CAFM but were unsure if it was right for you? Are you concerned about what to expect? Have you been waiting for an opportunity to "test drive" the CAFM program? NAFA now offers just that for Members or partners who meet the eligibility requirements of the CAFM program, but you need to take advantage now. This opportunity ends soon!

CAFM accreditation is the recognized industry standard for fleet professionals, and now you can have a first-hand look at what it can offer you. If you sign up, you will be eligible to take the Asset Management module for FREE.

All participants will be able to sit for the Asset Management exam on April 26, 2013 at the I&E in Atlantic City. If you pass, you will be given one year to enroll in CAFM/S and have that module count towards your professional designation.

This offer is for a limited time! Your deadline to enroll is January 30, 2013 and is a one-time offer per individual. After you have enrolled, NAFA's educational faculty will email the Asset Management Study Guide, webinar, and study materials to you by February 15, 2013.

To enroll, go to: http://www.fleetcertification.org/cafmpromo and select "CAFM/S Discipline Promotion" under the Program Information section on the application.

You've held out on CAFM accreditation because you wanted to know more, and now NAFA's giving you more, but don't delay. This offer ends January 30, 2013. Enroll for your CAFM test drive today! See If The CAFM Program Is Right For You!