NAFA's Market Research And Survey Email Service

NAFA’s Market Research & Survey Email Service can help you get the answers you need!

NAFA is offering Affiliates a survey service to help you reach Members for Market Research and Surveys. Do you want to survey Members about new vehicles, to receive Members opinions about safety policies; and do you want to gather information about vehicle maintenance? NAFA’s Market Research & Survey Email Service can help you with that and more.

NAFA’s Market Research & Survey Email Service allows you to survey NAFA Members while giving membership the confidence of knowing their email addresses are secure. NAFA emails regularly exceed the industry standard opening rates. This service is available exclusively to NAFA Affiliates and NAFA Members.

Surveys to the NAFA membership allow you to target every segment of fleet management from corporate fleet managers to those in the public sector. Surveys can seek feedback on such topics as options available on vehicle selector lists, driver training programs, safety policies, and the use of fleet cards. Surveys can help you pinpoint what type of alternative fuel fleet managers in a particular area are using or what percentage are outsourcing vehicle maintenance. Whatever your question, NAFA's Market & Survey Email Service will allow you to get the pulse of the industry.

Act now to reserve your broadcast time! Broadcasts are limited to one survey per week.

For details including pricing, please click here or contact Maureen Smith at 609.986.1049 or