NAFA's St. Louis Gateway Chapter Takes In The St. Louis Auto Show

On January 24, the St. Louis Gateway Chapter held their annual Business Meeting and Auto Show gathering at the Renaissance Downtown, across the street from the America's Center Convention Complex.

"We had a good turn-out, as usual for this meeting," said St. Louis Chapter Chair Michele Ryan, who was unable to attend due to illness. The session was directed by Peg Nicholson, CAFM, Fleet Manager for Monsanto Company, in Ryan's place. "Peg did a great job of facilitating the meeting (like there was any doubt) and we elected the new officers," Ryan said 

The following were elected:
After the election the chapter had presentations from Ford, Volkswagen, and Volvo. "Fewer presenters than past years but it allowed us other options," Ryan said. "After the presentations we had more networking and discussion time centered around the topics of telematics and the NAFA CAFM program."

At the end of the session, attendees were invited to visit the St. Louis Auto Show for an up-close look at the Model Year 2014 vehicle offerings.

To see the St. Louis Auto Show Greeting Video, click here.
To see a demonstration of professional auto-drifting at the St. Louis Auto Show, click here.