Q&A With The OEM Big Three At NAFA's 2013 I&E

If you could ask "The Big Three" your top questions, what would you ask? On the morning of Wednesday, April 24, Jim Sassorossi from Chrysler, John Ruppert from Ford, and Ed Peper from GM will be giving a panel discussion about their companies vision for the future of the auto industry and the role the fleet segment plays. They will be covering some of the major themes of this year's program: cost-cutting, safety, and technology. The session is being moderated by incoming NAFA President, Claude Masters, CAFM. Most importantly, they will be answering your questions!

We want to hear what you'd like to know - submit your questions in advance by March 31, 2013 by filling out the following form: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/W97BG8V

They will also be taking some questions from the audience that day! Get the answers you want at NAFA's Joint Keynote featuring Chrysler, Ford, and GM!

Learn From Other Innovative and Influential Speakers At I&E!
Have You Registered For NAFA's I&E Yet? - NAFA's 2013 Institute & Expo is the largest community of fleet professionals that offers a robust four days of networking and cutting-edge education and training designed with you in mind! There's still time to save! Register by March 7, and save up to $50 off regular registration fees. Go to www.nafainstitute.org today and register to attend!