NAFA's Safety Advisory Council Announces New Safety E-Community

While safer driving can mean fewer accidents, lower insurance policies, and less fuel used, it also means the safety of a company’s greatest asset - its employees. One of the most important issues a fleet manager has to deal with every day is the safety of their fleet. As a part of this ongoing effort to make fleets and streets safer, NAFA's Safety Advisory Council is announcing the arrival of a new Safety E-Community. All NAFA Members and Affiliates are invited to join by subscribing at

Safety Advisory Council Chair Donna Bibbo, CAFM, Novo Nordisk Inc. said, "Joining the Safety E-Community will allow you to automatically receive timely tips on seasonal driving issues, access to discussions across all fleets of safety issues, and possible solutions, and will allow you to ask safety-related questions and receive feedback from your peers."

NAFA’s Safety Advisory Council works to keep appropriate topics in the minds of NAFA Members by suggesting safety-related articles for NAFA publications and creating new products and guides. The Council serves as the NAFA spokesperson on fleet safety; recommend safety classes for NAFA’s annual conference; review and keep relevant articles in NAFA’s database current; work cooperatively with NAFA Chapter Safety Committee Chairs to disseminate information about national, regional, and local safety programs; standardize metrics/reporting and benchmarking against agreed-to standards; and work with local NAFA Chapter Safety Committee Chairs to gather information and act on their suggestions.

On the Safety Advisory Council's NAFA page ( visitors can find contact information for Council Members, important links to Driver Safety websites and documents, and more. The Safety Advisory Council is led by a Council Chair (appointed by the Association’s President) who works with a Council Vice Chair - Member and a Council Vice Chair - Affiliate. All council activities are coordinated through a NAFA Officer. Council recommendations will be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Donna Bibbo feels that the Safety E-Community is an opportunity every NAFA member should take advantage of. "I’m a firm believer in not re-inventing the wheel if I can get a good solution from someone else that I can use, and the Safety E-Community is a great area to share solutions!"