NAFA Exhibitor Warning! Beware of Misleading Fair Guide Directory Listing!

Fair Guide/Construct Data Verlag AG, an Austrian organization, is apparently targeting NAFA I&E exhibitors. They offer advertising space on their Fair Guide website, using a form which resembles an organizer’s free catalog listing service, inviting exhibitors to sign and return the form for an entry in an on-line directory. However, exhibitors who sign and return the form are then bound to a non-terminable agreement at significant cost for a period of at least three years and automatically renewing thereafter at the same cost, unless cancelled by registered letter within the appropriate period.

Please note that neither NAFA, nor the Institute & Expo (I&E) have any relationship with Fair Guide/ConstructData or any of its many other brands, and they have no right to use any of NAFA's logos, icons, or branding on information they send out to exhibitors. Every year, hundreds expo events and their exhibitors are distracted by this mischief. If you receive a letter from Fair Guide/Construct Data, discard it. NAFA does not do business with Fair Guide/ConstructData and will not be held liable for exhibitors who are deceived by this fraudulent notification.

Furthermore, if you have received solicitation from this company -- through the regular mail, through email, or by phone -- please contact NAFA Executive Director Phillip Russo, CAE at: Please include how you were solicited and how NAFA trademarks and iconography were employed.

If you receive a document from Fair Guide/Construct Data which uses the NAFA name, I&E, Institute & Expo, or the name of other NAFA events offering advertising space on the Fair Guide website (, please do not sign the form unless you have carefully read and fully understood the terms contained in the small print.

NAFA does not endorse or do business with Fair Guide/ConstructData in any way.